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Faiths from the Archipelago: Action on the Environment and Climate Change


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This paper explores the responses of faith-based movements in Indonesia to globalized environmental issues, including climate change. As a plural nation with six official religions, the leaders of the major recognized religions in Indonesia (i.e., Islam, Protestant and Roman Catholic Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and Confusianism) all offered statements in 2007 at cop 13, the international forum in response to the environmental challange and climate change in Bali. Each called for religious adherents to act in order to contribute to halting the problem of climate change. Faith is seen to be a key factor in motivating people to change their behavior towards the environment. The slogan, "Think globally, act locally" is at the heart of this commitment, in hopes that environmental challenges including climate change, become a common issue among all the religions in Indonesia, and so that Indonesian responses may be collaborative and cooperative. This paper will document and analyze the development of such faith-based action with respect to environmental challenges in Indonesia, in light of global conditions.
机译:本文探讨了印度尼西亚基于信仰的运动对全球化环境问题(包括气候变化)的反应。作为拥有六种正式宗教的多元国家,印度尼西亚主要公认宗教的领导人(即伊斯兰教,新教和罗马天主教,印度教,佛教和儒教)的领导人均于2007年在缔约方会议第十三届会议上作了发言,该国际论坛旨在回应巴厘岛的环境挑战和气候变化。每个人都呼吁宗教信徒采取行动,以制止气候变化问题。信仰被认为是激励人们改变其对环境行为的关键因素。 “全球思考,在当地采取行动”的口号是这项承诺的核心,希望包括气候变化在内的环境挑战成为印度尼西亚所有宗教之间的普遍问题,以便印度尼西亚的对策可以是合作与合作。本文将根据全球情况,对印度尼西亚针对环境挑战的这种基于信仰的行动的发展进行记录和分析。



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