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Between Dishwater and the River Toward an Ecowomanist Methodology


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The ground of ecowomanist ethics is watered by multigenerational responses to racial and gender stereotypes in relation to communal knowledge of the land. This wisdom survived through centuries of violence and the daily lived experience of bigotry and abuse in a white supremacist world, and rests on pluralistic understandings of the sacred relationship between human and non-human nature. It remains today as part of the womanist call to accountability and spirit denned in Alice Walker's writings. Emergent ecowomanist thought is uniquely situated to interrupt many of the stereotypes that serve to maintain a separation between black communities and environmental engagement. This article argues that a robust ecowomanist ethics should situate itself in the interplay between ecojustice and environmental justice approaches to environmental devastation. It draws on the poem "No Images," written by William Waring Cuney at the beginning of the Harlem Renaissance period, centering on the lived experiences of black women as expressed through black women's musical appropriations of his work. The clear lamentation and grief interwoven between the words of this short poem are given new life in the voices of Nina Simone and Ysaye Maria Barnwell with the women of Sweet Honey in the Rock. Engaging questions of environmental ethics through the lens of black women's lived experiences of agency and struggle can create a theological foundation for ecowomanist thought that promotes the preservation of both nature and human dignity.
机译:相对于有关土地的公共知识的种族和性别定型观念的多代回应,充斥了生态女性主义伦理学的基础。这种智慧在数百年的暴力以及白人至上主义世界中偏执和虐待的日常生活中得以生存,并建立在对人与非人性之间神圣关系的多元理解上。今天,它仍然是爱丽丝·沃克(Alice Walker)作品中女性主义呼唤问责制和精神的一部分。新兴的生态女性主义思想的独特之处在于打断了许多定型观念,这些定型观念使黑人社区与环境参与之间保持了隔离。本文认为,强有力的生态女性主义道德应该置于生态正义与破坏环境正义的环境正义方法之间的相互作用中。它借鉴了哈林复兴时期初期威廉·沃林·库尼(William Waring Cuney)所写的诗《无图像》,该诗集中于黑人女性通过其音乐作品的音乐专享所表达的生活经历。妮娜·西蒙妮(Nina Simone)和伊赛耶·玛丽亚·巴恩威尔(Ysaye Maria Barnwell)与甜蜜的岩石中的女人的声音赋予了这首短诗词之间清晰的哀叹和悲伤。通过黑人妇女在代理和斗争中生活的经历来探讨环境伦理问题,可以为生态女性主义思想创造神学基础,从而促进自然与人类尊严的维护。



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