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Nankani Women's Spirituality and Ecology


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Nankani women are not only thought to believe they are spiritual beings; they are also made to understand that they are structurally interwoven with their ecosystem. From the mythical and proverbial saying, 'he who wilfully kills a woman has invoked upon himself a curse that he can never fully rectify,' to the religio-cultural symbolic representations of the woman as a calabash (vegetation) and/or and earthen pot (sand/clay), Nankani women are socialized to accept and recognise their integral place and role in their society's life and wellbeing. Thus strategically entangled with the family, clan and the community's beliefs and practices; the women believe they are purposefully situated to play their multi-tasking roles just as a pregnant woman nurtures and sustains the life within her. This paper provides some insights into Nankani women's spirituality and ecology.
机译:Nankani女人不仅被认为相信自己是灵性的生命,而且他们还被理解为与生态系统在结构上交织在一起。从神话和俗语说:“故意杀害一个女人的男人已经向他自己诉说了一个他永远无法完全矫正的诅咒”,到那个女人的宗教文化象征性代表是葫芦(植被)和/或土锅。 (沙子/粘土),Nankani妇女应社会化,接受并认识到她们在社会生活和福祉中不可或缺的地位和作用。因此在战略上与家庭,家族和社区的信仰和习俗纠缠在一起;这些妇女认为,她们有目的地在发挥多任务的作用,就像孕妇在孕育并维持她的生活一样。本文提供了对Nankani女人的灵性和生态学的一些见解。



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