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Ethics and Value in Naess' Ecophilosophy


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It appears that Naess thought his ecophilosophy could do without ethics. What made him think so? Since Naess was largely implicit about his metaethical views, I turn to Warwick Fox' elaborate presentation of Naess' ecophilosophy to find an answer. Doing so allows me to investigate what is insufficiently accounted for in Naess' ecophilosophy, namely its ontological presuppositions. To be philosophically sound, Naess' criticisms of ethics need to question the taboo against the so-called naturalistic fallacy, a commonplace in ethical theories since Hume. I argue that a realist notion of value-understood as a property of nature, operative in nature-provides ecophilosophy with a sorely needed ontological foundation.
机译:内斯似乎认为他的生态哲学可以没有道德。是什么让他这么想呢?由于纳斯在很大程度上隐含了他的元伦理学观点,因此我转向沃里克·福克斯(Warwick Fox)对纳斯的生态哲学的详尽阐述来寻找答案。这样做使我能够研究奈斯生态哲学中不足以解释的内容,即其本体论的预设。从哲学上讲,纳斯对伦理学的批评需要质疑禁忌,反对所谓的自然主义谬误,这是自休ume以来在伦理理论中的常见现象。我认为,在自然界有效的现实价值观念被理解为自然的一种性质,它为生态哲学提供了极为必要的本体论基础。



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