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Invisible Nature: Healing the Destructive Divide between People and the Environment


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What would a one-book introduction to humanity's environmental crisis contain, one designed for readers who did not learn about ecology or environmental science in high school or take environmentally themed courses in college, and who only learn about environmental or climate change issues from the mass media's infrequent and minimal coverage? As one actively involved and educated in environmental issues for over four decades, I am frequently imagining what such a book would cover. I have read several books in this genre, such as Bill McKibben's Eaarth, David Orr's Down to the Wire, Gus Speth's The Bridge at the Edge of the World, and Mark Hertzgaard's Earth Odyssey. Each describes the problems and attempts to offer solutions in different ways. Scholar of environmental humanities Kenneth Worthy has added a new and excellent entry into this category of the one-book introduction to our ever-intensifvine environmental calamities.
机译:一本关于人类环境危机的简介将包含什么内容,一本专为那些不了解高中生态学或环境科学或不参加大学环境主题课程,并且仅从大众那里了解环境或气候变化问题的读者而设计的书媒体的频率很少且覆盖率最低?作为一个积极参与环境问题并在环境问题上受教育超过40年的人,我经常想像着这本书的内容。我读过这种类型的几本书,例如比尔·麦基本(Bill McKibben)的《伊亚特》(Eaarth),大卫·奥尔(David Orr)的《走下线》(Guest to the Wire),格斯·斯佩斯(Gus Speth)的《世界边缘的桥梁》和马克·赫兹高(Mark Hertzgaard)的《地球漫游》。每个都描述了问题,并尝试以不同的方式提供解决方案。环境人文学科的学者肯尼斯·沃西(Kenneth Worthy)在我们不断加深的环境灾难的一本书简介中加入了一个新的且极好的条目。



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