首页> 外文期刊>World review of science, technology and sustainable development >Traffic Equilibrium in a stochastic transportation network

Traffic Equilibrium in a stochastic transportation network


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The Traffic Equilibrium (TE) problem is to predict traffic flows in a transportation network given the travel demand between every pair of nodes. The existing TE models assume deterministic networks. However, real world transportation networks are stochastic in the sense that arc attributes are random variables. This paper addresses the TE problem in a stochastic network. The general problem is difficult to solve but special cases are solvable when 1. arc attributes are statistically independent, 2. disutility (or cost) functions for route evaluation are linear, exponential or quadratic. The proposed models incorporate travellers' risk taking behaviour under stochastic conditions whereas the existing models assume risk neutral travellers.
机译:交通平衡(TE)问题是在给定每对节点之间的旅行需求的情况下,预测交通网络中的交通流量。现有的TE模型采用确定性网络。但是,从弧属性为随机变量的意义上讲,现实世界中的运输网络是随机的。本文解决了随机网络中的TE问题。通用问题很难解决,但在以下情况下可以解决特殊情况:1.弧属性在统计上是独立的; 2.用于路由评估的不实用(或成本)函数是线性,指数或二次函数。提出的模型包含了旅行者在随机条件下的冒险行为,而现有模型则假设风险为中性旅行者。



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