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The sustainable development goals and 1.5℃ climate change


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This article reviews how efforts towards the SDGs can make it easier or harder to accomplish the Paris Agreement recommendation of limiting the global surface average temperature (SAT) to 1.5°C until 2,100. The literature indicated that within target 1.5 (SDG 1, no poverty) of constructing infrastructure to support all vulnerable human settlements to adapt to climate change could result in large GHG emissions, in the long term, making it harder to limit global SAT to 1.5°C. In contrast, studies pointed out that target 2.4 (SDG 2, Zero hunger) to support sustainable agriculture enhance the food-energy-water nexus, making it easier to reach 1.5°C. Also, within target 11.b (SDG 11, Sustainable cities and communities), aiming to increase resource efficiency in cities can avoid GHG emissions. Lastly, education, related to indicator 12.8.1 (SDG 12, sustainable production and consumption), is highlighted as critical in empowering individuals towards climate change mitigation and adaptation practices. To date, few publications analysed the synergies or implications between the SDG, a landmark to achieve sustainable development, and Paris' 1.5°C scenarios, a landmark for tackling climate change. In contrast, the literature focus on how mitigation and adaptation to climate change affect sustainable development.
机译:本文回顾了为实现可持续发展目标所做的努力如何使实现《巴黎协定》中将全球地表平均温度(SAT)限制在1.5°C到2100之间的建议变得更容易或更困难。文献表明,在长期支持基础上建设基础设施以支持所有脆弱人类住区适应气候变化的目标1.5(可持续发展目标1,不贫困)可能导致大量GHG排放,从而更难将全球SAT限制在1.5 C。相反,研究指出,支持可持续农业的目标2.4(可持续发展目标2,零饥饿)增强了食品-能源-水的联系,使其更容易达到1.5°C。同样,在目标11.b(可持续发展目标11,可持续城市和社区)中,旨在提高城市资源效率的目标可以避免温室气体排放。最后,与指标12.8.1(可持续发展目标12,可持续生产和消费)有关的教育被强调对赋予个人减缓和适应气候变化的能力至关重要。迄今为止,很少有出版物分析可持续发展目标(即实现可持续发展的里程碑)与巴黎应对气候变化的里程碑(1.5℃)情景之间的协同作用或影响。相反,文献集中于缓解和适应气候变化如何影响可持续发展。



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