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Total economic value of wetland conservation in Sri Lanka identifying use and non-use values


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In tropical regions, mangroves, clean (unpolluted) water-bodies and fish are important aspects of wetland areas, which are considered as the basic requirement for livelihood improvement in local communities. Particularly, their conservation is very important to both inland as well as inshore fisheries. However, conservation of such areas is dependent on the perceptions of key stakeholders in the area. A novel approach of a one and one-half bound based contingent valuation method (CVM) was implemented to measure the stakeholder willingness to pay (WTP) towards the conservation of fish, mangroves and water in a Sri Lankan wetland area. Estimated median WTP is Rs. 264.26, which is thought reliable when considering average income in the community. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was used to separate use and non-use values from the total value. Results show that non-use values are a significant component in the elicited WTP value, of between 45-55%. In the past such commodities have been assigned zero or low values due to difficulties involved in assigning economic values.
机译:在热带地区,红树林,清洁的(未污染的)水体和鱼类是湿地地区的重要方面,被认为是改善当地社区生计的基本要求。特别是,它们的保护对内陆和近海渔业都非常重要。但是,保护这些地区取决于该地区主要利益相关者的看法。实施了一种基于半边值的或有估值法(CVM)的新颖方法,以衡量利益相关者为保护斯里兰卡湿地地区的鱼类,红树林和水而付出的意愿(WTP)。估计的WTP中位数为Rs。 264.26,在考虑社区的平均收入时被认为是可靠的。层次分析法(AHP)用于将使用和未使用值与总值分开。结果表明,未使用值是所引起的WTP值的重要组成部分,在45-55%之间。过去,由于分配经济价值方面的困难,此类商品被分配了零或低价值。



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