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The Simulated Effects of Iron Dust and Acidity During the Early Stages of Establishment of Two Coastal Plant Species


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In Brazil’s littoral, many iron ore industries are located in areas of restinga, a type of coastal ecosystem; such industries represent stationary sources of iron and acid particulates. The industrial sector is under expansion, threatening the already fragile ecosystem. In the present study, the simulated impact of these emissions was studied on the early establishment stages of two native plant species, Sophora tomentosa and Schinus terebinthifolius. The results indicate that S. tomentosa display deficient germination and low root tolerance when exposed to iron dust and acidity. Toxic iron concentrations were found to accumulate only in the roots of S. tomentosa plants exposed to increasing doses of iron dust. In these plants, initial growth was reduced, leading to the conclusion that S. tomentosa was unable to regulate, and, thus, to overcome, the effects of the iron dust in the substrate. In contrast, the germination, root tolerance index, and initial growth of S. terebinthifolius were not affected by iron dust and acidity, revealing the species’ resistance to these pollutants. We propose that under similar field conditions, S. tomentosa would be adversely affected, whereas S. terebinthifolius would thrive. On a long-term basis, this imbalance is likely to interfere in the vegetational composition and dynamics of the affected ecosystem.
机译:在巴西的沿海地区,许多铁矿石产业都位于雷斯塔斯塔地区,这是一种沿海生态系统。这些行业代表了铁和酸微粒的固定来源。工业部门正在扩张,威胁到已经脆弱的生态系统。在本研究中,研究了这些排放物的模拟影响对两种本地植物物种(槐槐和特浓中华e)的早期建立阶段的影响。结果表明当暴露于铁粉和酸度时,毛绒球菌显示出不足的发芽和低的根系耐性。发现有毒的铁浓度仅在暴露于铁粉剂量不断增加的S. tomentosa植物的根部积累。在这些植物中,最初的生长减少了,从而得出结论,毛绒球菌无法调节,因此无法克服基质中铁尘的影响。相比之下,特雷宾链霉菌的发芽,根系耐受指数和初始生长不受铁尘和酸度的影响,表明该物种对这些污染物的抵抗力。我们建议,在类似的田间条件下,毛绒球菌将受到不利影响,而特雷宾叶菌则将蓬勃发展。从长远来看,这种失衡很可能会影响受影响的生态系统的植被组成和动态。



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