首页> 外文期刊>Water, Air, & Soil Pollution >Non-ideal Behavior During Complete Dissolution of Organic Immiscible Liquid: 2. Ideal Porous Media

Non-ideal Behavior During Complete Dissolution of Organic Immiscible Liquid: 2. Ideal Porous Media


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Column experiments were conducted using ideal natural sands and stainless-steel beads to examine the complete dissolution behavior of an organic immiscible liquid. Trichloroethene was used as the representative organic liquid. The elution curves exhibited multi-step behavior, with multiple extended periods of relatively constant contaminant flux. These secondary steady-state stages occurred at concentrations several orders-of-magnitude below aqueous solubility for the well-sorted sands. In contrast, the secondary steady-state stages occurred within 1 log of aqueous solubility for the poorly sorted sand. The non-ideal behavior is hypothesized to result from constraints to hydraulic accessibility of the organic liquid to flowing water, which may be expected to be mediated by the pore-scale configuration of the flow field and the fluid phases.
机译:使用理想的天然沙子和不锈钢珠进行了柱实验,以检查有机不混溶液体的完全溶解行为。三氯乙烯用作代表性的有机液体。洗脱曲线表现出多步行为,具有相对恒定的污染物通量的多个延长周期。这些次要的稳态阶段发生在浓度比分类良好的沙子的水溶性低几个数量级的地方。相反,次要稳态阶段发生在分类不佳的沙子的水溶性不超过1 log的范围内。假设这种非理想的行为是由于有机液体对流动水的水力可及性的限制所致,这可能是由流场和流体相的孔尺度结构介导的。



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