首页> 外文期刊>Water, Air, & Soil Pollution >Copper and Chromium Alter Life Cycle Variables and the Equiproportional Development of the Freshwater Copepod Notodiaptomus conifer (SARS)

Copper and Chromium Alter Life Cycle Variables and the Equiproportional Development of the Freshwater Copepod Notodiaptomus conifer (SARS)


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Recent studies have shown that the lower basin of the Salado River is highly polluted with copper and chromium. In order to evaluate the effect of those metals on Notodiaptomus conifer, a representative calanoid copepod, we carried out two (acute and chronic) experimental assays. In the first one, the 24- and 48-h EC50 values were determined in nauplii and adults. Chronic assays were conducted to evaluate the time of development for nauplii, time of development for each copepodite stage, total development time, growth, number of ovigerous females, fecundity, and time required to produce the first egg sac. Additionally, the effect of those metals on the equiproportional model proposed for copepods was evaluated. Acute experiments reveled that juveniles were more sensible than adults. Although growth was not seriously affected by metal exposition, development time was delayed and reproductive variables were altered with the increase of metal concentrations. The deviation from the equiproportional model proposed for copepods proved to be a useful parameter to provide relevant information on toxicity of both metals along development time. In comparison with other zooplanktonic species, the highest sensitivity of N. conifer to copper and chromium makes it a suitable bioindicator in ecotoxicological tests.
机译:最近的研究表明,萨拉多河下游盆地被铜和铬高度污染。为了评估这些金属对典型的cal足类pe足动物Notodiaptomus针叶树的影响,我们进行了两种(急性和慢性)实验测定。在第一个中,测定了无节幼体和成年个体的24小时和48小时EC 50 值。进行了长期测定,以评估无节幼体的发育时间,每个角足类每个阶段的发育时间,总发育时间,生长,雌雄虫的数量,繁殖力和生产第一个卵囊所需的时间。此外,还评估了这些金属对拟用于co足类动物的等比例模型的影响。急性实验表明,青少年比成年人更明智。尽管生长不受金属暴露的严重影响,但随着金属浓度的增加,发育时间延迟,生殖变量发生变化。事实证明,与proposed足类动物所建议的等比例模型之间的偏差是有用的参数,可提供有关两种金属沿发育时间的毒性的相关信息。与其他浮游动物相比,针叶林对铜和铬的最高敏感性使其成为生态毒理学测试中的合适生物指示剂。



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