首页> 外文期刊>Water, Air, & Soil Pollution >Occurrence of Pesticides in Water, Sediments, and Fish Tissues in a Lake Surrounded by Agricultural Lands: Concerning Risks to Humans and Ecological Receptors

Occurrence of Pesticides in Water, Sediments, and Fish Tissues in a Lake Surrounded by Agricultural Lands: Concerning Risks to Humans and Ecological Receptors


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Lake Vela (Littoral Centre of Portugal) is considered a natural habitat with community interest and consequently was included in the Natura 2000 Network. However, this freshwater ecosystem has been potentially exposed to diffuse pollution generated by agricultural and livestock activities, which seriously compromise its ecological balance. As part of the Ecological Risk Assessment (ERA) proposed for Lake Vela, this study aimed to evaluate the occurrence of pesticides in different compartments: surface water, groundwater, sediments, and fish tissues. Moreover, to assess potential concerning effects on ecosystem and human health, the measured concentrations of pesticides were compared with regulatory and toxicological benchmarks. The results confirmed the presence of high concentrations of pesticides, including organochloride pesticides banned decades ago, in surface water, groundwater, and sediment. The measured concentrations of pesticides, compared with toxicological benchmarks, indicated that harmful effects are likely for aquatic species due to the presence of alachlor, aldrin, and dieldrin. Additionally, the concentrations of pesticides detected in groundwater were also above the recommended safety levels for drinking water, which constitutes a concern for the local population’s health. Results also showed an accumulation of alachlor in predator and benthic fish species which could represent a risk to human consumers and particularly to the regular fish predators (e.g., otters and birds). This study, as the first exposure characterization performed on the Lake Vela system, constitutes valuable and useful information for the ERA process. Although this preliminary assessment of risks should be continued and confirmed through a weight-of-evidence approach, it had already unraveled how concerning are the problems in this ecosystem and the urgency of implementing restoration measures to guaranty its sustainability. Furthermore, this study reinforces the importance of evaluating similar freshwater ecosystems that are also highly threatened by diffuse pollution.
机译:Vela湖(葡萄牙的沿海中心)被认为是具有社区利益的自然栖息地,因此被纳入Natura 2000网络。但是,这种淡水生态系统可能会受到农业和畜牧活动产生的扩散污染的影响,这严重损害了其生态平衡。作为对维拉湖提出的生态风险评估(ERA)的一部分,本研究旨在评估农药在不同区域(地表水,地下水,沉积物和鱼类组织)中的发生情况。此外,为了评估有关对生态系统和人类健康的影响的潜力,将所测农药浓度与监管和毒理学基准进行了比较。结果证实了地表水,地下水和沉积物中存在高浓度的农药,包括数十年前被禁止的有机氯化物农药。与毒理学基准相比,所测量的农药浓度表明,由于存在甲草胺,艾氏剂和狄氏剂,对水生物种可能产生有害影响。此外,在地下水中检测到的农药浓度也高于建议的饮用水安全水平,这是当地居民健康的担忧。结果还表明,甲草胺在捕食者和底栖鱼类中积累,可能对人类消费者,特别是对常规鱼类捕食者(例如水獭和鸟类)构成威胁。这项研究是在Lake Vela系统上进行的首次曝光表征,为ERA过程提供了宝贵而有用的信息。尽管应该继续进行初步的风险评估并通过证据权重法予以确认,但是它已经阐明了该生态系统中的问题以及如何采取恢复措施以确保其可持续性的紧迫性。此外,这项研究加强了评估同样受到扩散污染严重威胁的类似淡水生态系统的重要性。



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