首页> 外文期刊>Water, Air, and Soil Pollution >A Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Assessment of the Persistence of Diesel Fuel Contaminants and Degradation Models Following a South Carolina Train Derailment

A Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Assessment of the Persistence of Diesel Fuel Contaminants and Degradation Models Following a South Carolina Train Derailment


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This research employs the methods of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry to evaluate the weathering of persistent diesel fuel contaminants in the environment. The 2015 train derailment in Martin, SC, resulted in the release of approximately 15,000 l of diesel fuel. Because of historical considerations, the majority of the area was not excavated during response operations, and persistent contaminants are likely to remain present in sedimentation. The present study constructs models based upon the observed temporal weathering of contaminants at multiple locations within the area impacted by this incident. These models are then compared with another derived from the Automated Data Inquiry for Oil Spills software application. This comparison demonstrates the similarities and differences between the models and suggests that a limited number of deviations between model parameters and incident conditions do not necessarily render appropriately applied models ineffective for the representation of fuel behavior.
机译:这项研究采用气相色谱法和质谱法评估环境中持久性柴油燃料污染物的风化程度。 2015年南卡罗来纳州马丁的火车出轨导致大约15,000升柴油释放。基于历史考量,该地区的大部分地区在应对行动中并未开挖,沉积物中可能仍存在持久性污染物。本研究基于在受此事件影响的区域内多个位置处观察到的污染物的瞬时风化构造模型。然后将这些模型与从“溢油自动数据查询”软件应用程序中得出的另一个模型进行比较。这种比较证明了模型之间的相似性和差异,并表明模型参数和入射条件之间的有限数量的偏差不一定会使适当应用的模型对燃料行为的表现无效。



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