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Emission of greenhouse gases from home aerobic composting, anaerobic digestion and vermicomposting of household wastes in Brisbane (Australia)


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This study investigated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from three different home waste treatment methods in Brisbane, Australia. Gas samples were taken monthly from 34 backyard composting bins from January to April 2009. Averaged over the study period, the aerobic composting bins released lower amounts of CH4 (2.2mgm~2h~-1) than the anaerobic digestion bins (9.5mgm~2h~-1) and the vermicomposting bins (4.8mgm~2h~1). The vermicomposting bins had lower N_2O emission rates (1.2mgm-2h-1) than the others (1.5-1.6mgm-~2h~-1). Total GHG emissions including both N_2O and CH_4 were 463, 504 and 694mgCO_2-em~2h~1 for vermicomposting, aerobic composting and anaerobic digestion, respectively, with N_2O contributing >80% in the total budget. The GHG emissions varied substantially with time and were regulated by temperature, moisture content and the waste properties, indicating the potential to mitigate GHG emission through proper management of the composting systems. In comparison with other mainstream municipal waste management options including centralized composting and anaerobic digestion facilities, landfilling and incineration, home composting has the potential to reduce GHG emissions through both lower on-site emissions and the minimal need for transportation and processing. On account of the lower cost, the present results suggest that home composting provides an effective and feasible supplementary waste management method to a centralized facility in particular for cities with lower population density such as the Australian cities.
机译:这项研究调查了澳大利亚布里斯班三种不同家庭废物处理方法的温室气体排放量。从2009年1月至2009年4月,每月从34个后院堆肥箱中抽取气体样本。在研究期内,有氧堆肥箱平均排放的CH4(2.2mgm〜2h〜-1)低于厌氧消化箱(9.5mgm〜2h)。 〜-1)和the堆垃圾箱(4.8mgm〜2h〜1)。 com堆垃圾箱的N_2O排放速率(1.2mgm-2h-1)比其他垃圾箱(1.5-1.6mgm-〜2h〜-1)低。用于ver堆肥,需氧堆肥和厌氧消化的包括N_2O和CH_4在内的总温室气体排放量分别为463、504和694mgCO_2-em〜2h〜1,其中N_2O占总预算的> 80%。温室气体排放量随时间变化很大,并受温度,水分含量和废物性质的调节,这表明通过适当管理堆肥系统可以减轻温室气体排放量。与其他主流市政废物管理方案(包括集中式堆肥和厌氧消化设施,垃圾填埋和焚化)相比,家庭堆肥具有通过降低现场排放量和最小化运输和加工需求来减少温室气体排放的潜力。由于成本较低,目前的结果表明,家庭堆肥为集中式设施提供了一种有效可行的补充废物管理方法,特别是针对人口密度较低的城市(如澳大利亚城市)。



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