首页> 外文期刊>Vitis >Les teneurs en acides gras, en eau et en acide abscissique des feuilles de vigne (Vitis vinifera L. var. Cabernet Sauvignon) infectees par Eutypa lata

Les teneurs en acides gras, en eau et en acide abscissique des feuilles de vigne (Vitis vinifera L. var. Cabernet Sauvignon) infectees par Eutypa lata

机译:感染了Eutypa lata的藤叶(Vitis vinifera L. var。Cabernet Sauvignon)的脂肪酸,水和脱落酸含量

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Eytypiose of grapevines led to a lowering of the water content and to an accumulation of abscisic acid (ABA) in the leaves of Cabernet Sauvignon known to be susceptible to Eutypiose. The accumulation of ABA in the leaves of infected plants possibly causes changes in the composition of fatty acids, in partiular by reducing their degree of insaturation and by elongating their aliphatic chains. These changes may lower the permeability of membranes and, as a consequence, exchanges with the environment, which possibly intensifies dehydration of infected leaves during their development.
机译:葡萄树的乙草胺导致水含量降低,赤霞珠叶片中的脱落酸(ABA)积累,已知该赤霞珠易受影响。 ABA在受感染植物叶片中的积累可能会引起脂肪酸组成的变化,尤其是通过降低脂肪酸的不饱和度并延长其脂肪链来改变脂肪酸的组成。这些变化可能会降低膜的渗透性,并因此与环境交换,这可能会加剧受感染叶片在发育过程中的脱水。



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