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Embedded deep learning system automates retail payment terminals


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With increased competition from e-Com-merce, retail stores of all types must find ways to stay competitive. To that end, a team of embedded vision and deep learning companies partnered together and developed an automated retail payment and inventory management system that offers instant checkouts, shorter lines, and allows stores to stay open 24/7. Current self-checkout methods may use barcode reading to detect and identify products, while some recent systems may use object classification methods using features like color or type to identify products. Both methods, however, are not robust when deployed in uncontrolled environments. Using artificial intelligence (AI) can more accurately accomplish this goal by detecting products without barcodes and allow for the product portfolio to scale up more easily over time.
机译:随着e-com-merce的竞争增加,所有类型的零售店必须找到保持竞争力的方法。为此,嵌入式愿景和深度学习公司的团队共同合作,开发了一个自动零售付款和库存管理系统,提供即时结账,更短的线路,并允许商店保持24/7 open。当前的自助结账方法可以使用条形码读数来检测和识别产品,而最近的一些系统可以使用像颜色或类型这样的功能来使用对象分类方法来识别产品。然而,这两种方法在不受控制的环境中部署时都不强大。使用人工智能(AI)可以通过检测没有条形码的产品来更准确地完成这一目标,并允许产品组合随着时间的推移更容易地扩展。



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