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The post-political trap? Reflections on politics, agency and the city


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This commentary reflects on the influence of the post-political critique on urban studies. In this literature (e.g. Swyngedouw, 2014), the default position of contemporary democracies is post-politics - the truly political is only rare, random and radical. The post-political trap' refers to the intuitively convincing, yet ultimately confining account it provides of contemporary urban governance. We identify three shortcomings. First, the binary understanding of the real political/politics as police negates the in-betweenness and contingency of actually existing urban politics. By so doing, secondly, political agency is reduced to the heroic and anti-heroic. Thus, the plurality of political agency in the urban sphere and multi-faceted forms of power lose their political quality. Third, the perceived omnipotence of the post-political order actually diminishes the possibilities of the urban as a political space of resistance and emancipation. On these grounds we argue not for a rejection of the notion of the post-political per se but for a more differentiated approach, one more alert to the contingencies of the political and of depoliticisation in the urban realm.
机译:这篇评论反映了后政治批评对城市研究的影响。在这些文献中(例如Swyngedouw,2014年),当代民主国家的默认立场是后政治-真正的政治只是罕见,随机和激进的。 “后政治陷阱”指的是直观地令人信服,但最终将其限制在当代城市治理方面。我们发现三个缺点。首先,对警察实际政治/政治的二元理解否定了实际存在的城市政治的中间性和偶然性。这样,第二,政治代理权就沦为英勇和反英雄。因此,城市领域的多元化政治机构和多方面的权力形式丧失了其政治素质。第三,后政治秩序的无所不能实际上减少了城市作为抵抗和解放的政治空间的可能性。基于这些理由,我们认为不是要拒绝后政治本身的概念,而是要采取一种更加差异化的方法,这是对城市领域中政治和非政治化突发事件的进一步警觉。



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