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Culture, capital and the big screen: tracing the changing dynamics of gentrification in the films of Woody Allen


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This paper undertakes an analysis of the shifting dynamics of gentrification through the lens of the films of Woody Allen. With his focus upon the spaces of residence and high-end consumption for the upper and middle classes, the paper argues that Allen's films can be used as a lens to examine the changing dynamics of gentrification in contemporary (Western) cities from something deemed almost novel in the 1970s, to a dominant approach to urban transformation in the early twenty-first century. In so doing, the paper demonstrates the constant tension between the desire to carve out a particular urban idyll and that of a sense of loss perceived by gentrifiers themselves of the rate of change taking place in the contemporary city.
机译:本文通过伍迪·艾伦(Woody Allen)的电影镜头对高档化的转移动力学进行了分析。该论文着眼于上层和中层阶级的居住空间和高端消费空间,认为艾伦的电影可以用作考察当代(西方)城市中绅士化变化动力的一种镜头,这种东西被认为是几乎新颖的东西。在1970年代,在二十一世纪初成为城市转型的主导方式。通过这样做,本文证明了刻画特定城市田园诗的欲望与绅士们自己对当代城市变化速度的丧失感之间不断的张力。



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