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The Control of Rinderpest in Tanzania between 1997 and 1998


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In January 1997, Tanzania requested international assistance against rinderpest on the grounds that the virus had probably entered the country from southern Kenya. Over the next few months, a variety of attempts were made to determine the extent of the incursion by searching for serological and clinical evidence of the whereabouts of the virus. At the clinical level, these attempts were hampered by the low virulence of the strain, and at the serological level by the lack of a baseline against which contemporary interpretations could be made. Once it became apparent that neither surveillance tool was likely to produce a rapid result, an infected area was declared on common-sense grounds and emergency vaccination was initiated. The vaccination programme had two objectives, firstly to prevent any further entry across the international border, and secondly to contain and if possible eliminate rinderpest from those districts into which it had already entered. On the few occasions that clinical rinderpest was subsequently found, it was always within this provisional infected area. Emergency vaccination campaigns within the infected area ran from January to the end of March 1997 but were halted by the onset of the long rains. At this time, seromonitoring in two districts showed that viral persistence was still theoretically possible and therefore a second round of emergency vaccination was immediately organized. Further seromonitoring then indicated a large number of villages with population antibody prevalences of over 85%. These populations were considered to have been `immunosterilized'. Although no clinical disease had been observed in them, it was decided to undertake additional vaccination in a group of districts to the south of the infected area. Serosurveillance indicated that rinderpest could have been present in a number of these districts prior to vaccination. Serosurveillance in 1998 suggested that numerous vaccinated animals had probably moved into districts outside the infected and additional vaccination areas, but did not rule out the continued presence of field infection.
机译:1997年1月,坦桑尼亚以牛瘟可能是从肯尼亚南部进入该国为由请求国际上对牛瘟的援助。在接下来的几个月中,通过搜索病毒下落的血清学和临床证据,进行了各种尝试来确定入侵的程度。在临床水平上,这些尝试由于菌株的低毒力而受到阻碍,而在血清学水平上,由于缺乏可以做出当代解释的基线而受到阻碍。一旦发现这两种监视工具均不可能迅速产生结果,便以常识为由宣布感染区域,并开始紧急接种疫苗。疫苗接种计划有两个目标,首先是防止进一步越过国际边界进入该国,其次是遏制并尽可能消除已进入该地区的牛瘟。随后在少数情况下发现了临床牛瘟,它总是在此临时感染区域内。受感染地区的紧急疫苗接种运动从1997年1月到1997年3月结束,但由于长时间降雨开始而中止。此时,在两个地区进行的血清监测表明,从理论上讲,仍然可以持续存在病毒,因此立即组织了第二轮紧急疫苗接种。进一步的血清监测表明大量村庄的抗体流行率超过85%。这些人群被认为已进行了“免疫接种”。尽管没有发现任何临床疾病,但已决定在受感染地区以南的一组地区进行额外的疫苗接种。血清监测表明,在接种疫苗之前,这些地区中可能已经存在牛瘟。 1998年的血清监测表明,许多疫苗接种的动物可能已经转移到受感染和其他疫苗接种区域之外的地区,但并不排除野外感染的持续存在。



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