首页> 外文期刊>Transport in Porous Media >On the Convection in a Porous Medium with Inclined Temperature Gradient and Vertical Throughflow.Part II. Absolute and Convective Instabilities,and Spatially Amplifying Waves

On the Convection in a Porous Medium with Inclined Temperature Gradient and Vertical Throughflow.Part II. Absolute and Convective Instabilities,and Spatially Amplifying Waves


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In this second part of our analysis of the destabilization of transverse modes in an extended horizontal layer of a saturated porous medium with inclined temperature gradient and vertical throughflow, we apply the mathematical formalism of absolute and convective instabilities to studying the nature of the transition to instability of such modes by assuming on physical grounds that the transition is triggered by growing localized wavepackets. It is revealed that in most of the parameter cases treated in the first part of the analysis (Brevdo and Ruderman 2009), at the transition point the evolving instability is convective. Only in the cases of zero horizontal thermal gradient, and in the cases of zero vertical throughflow and the horizontal Rayleigh number R_h < 49, the instability is absolute implying that, as the vertical Rayleigh number, R_v, increases passing through its critical value, R_(vc), the destabilization tends to affect the base state throughout and eventually destroys it at every point in space. For the parameter values considered, for which the destabilization has the nature of convective instability, we found that, as R_v increases beyond the critical value, while the horizontal Rayleigh number, R_h, and the Peclet number, Q_v, are kept fixed, the flow experiences a transition from convective to absolute instability. The values of the vertical Rayleigh number, R_v, at the transition from convective to absolute instability are computed. For con-vectively unstable, but absolutely stable cases, the spatially amplifying responses to localized oscillatory perturbations, i.e., signaling, are treated and it is found that the amplification is always in the direction of the applied horizontal thermal gradient.
机译:在我们的第二部分分析具有倾斜温度梯度和垂直通流的饱和多孔介质的扩展水平层中,横向模态失稳的过程中,我们应用绝对和对流不稳定性的数学形式来研究从不稳定性转变的性质通过基于物理理由假定过渡是由局部波包的增长触发来实现的。结果表明,在分析的第一部分中处理的大多数参数情况下(Brevdo和Ruderman 2009),在过渡点处,不断发展的不稳定性是对流的。仅在水平热梯度为零的情况下,且在垂直通流为零且水平瑞利数R_h <49的情况​​下,不稳定性绝对意味着随着垂直瑞利数R_v穿过其临界值R_而增加(vc),不稳定往往会影响整个基态,并最终在空间的每个点破坏它。对于所考虑的参数值,其不稳定具有对流不稳定的性质,我们发现,当R_v增加到超过临界值时,水平瑞利数R_h和Peclet数Q_v保持固定,流量经历了从对流到绝对不稳定的过渡。计算从对流到绝对不稳定的垂直瑞利数R_v的值。对于对流不稳定但绝对稳定的情况,对局部振荡扰动的空间放大响应即信号进行了处理,发现放大始终在所施加的水平热梯度方向上进行。



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