首页> 外文期刊>Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences and affiliated societies >Preparation Of Manuscripts For Publication In The Transactions

Preparation Of Manuscripts For Publication In The Transactions


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Two printed copies of the manuscript, tables, and figures, in finished form, should be sent to the Editor with the understanding that the work is to be published exclusively in the Transactions, unless otherwise arranged in advance. These copies will be sent to reviewers. Corrections and suggestions will be returned to the author if necessary. The final version of the manuscript, tables, and figures should be sent to the Editor via e-mail attachments. Text and figure captions should be in Microsoft Word~(TM) (.doc) or rich text (.rtf) format. Figure captions should be placed at the end of the main file and not on the figures. Please submit tables and figures as separate files, avoiding complex formatting; we work with tables as tabbed text and prefer to receive them in that form although we can accept Excel~(TM) (.xls) files. Black and white line drawings and photographs should be clearly distinguished by their file names and should be in .tif or .jpg format. Do not place illustrations of any kind in the main (.doc or .rtf) file.
机译:除非事先另行安排,否则应将最终形式的手稿,表格和图形的两份印刷副本发送给编辑,但应理解该作品将仅在交易中出版。这些副本将发送给审稿人。如有必要,更正和建议将退还给作者。稿件,表格和图形的最终版本应通过电子邮件附件发送给编辑器。文字和图形标题应采用Microsoft Word〜(TM)(.doc)或RTF(.rtf)格式。图形标题应放置在主文件的末尾而不是图形上。请以单独的文件形式提交表格和图形,以避免复杂的格式;尽管我们可以接受Excel〜(.xls)文件,但我们将表格作为选项卡式文本来使用,并且更喜欢以这种形式接收表格。黑白线条图和照片应通过文件名清楚区分,并应采用.tif或.jpg格式。请勿在主文件(.doc或.rtf)中放置任何形式的插图。



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