首页> 外文期刊>Transactions of the American nuclear society >Inventory-Based Computational Analysis of Hanford Tank Waste

Inventory-Based Computational Analysis of Hanford Tank Waste


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This report describes a systematic computational analysis of waste solids layers in the Hanford Tank Farms. With hundreds of individual waste layers, and many individual MCNP calculations required for each search, layer-by-layer analysis would have been excessively time-consuming on previous generations of computers, leading to the development of the CWM and other idealizations. Increases in computer processing speeds have meant that these calculations are now possible.These calculations confirmed that the assumptions used to create the CWM were reasonable. While a number of tank layers calculated maximum plutonium concentration limits less than 2.6 g/L, these layers, taken together, only comprise 0.2% of the total plutonium mass in all of tank farms. The remainder of the plutonium is located in layers bounded by the CWM analysis.
机译:该报告描述了汉福德油库的固体废物层的系统计算分析。由于有数百个单独的废物层,并且每个搜索都需要许多单独的MCNP计算,因此在以前的计算机上进行逐层分析会非常耗时,从而导致了CWM和其他理想化技术的发展。计算机处理速度的提高意味着现在可以进行这些计算。这些计算证实了用于创建CWM的假设是合理的。尽管许多储罐层计算出的最大concentration浓度限制均低于2.6 g / L,但这些层加在一起,仅占所有储罐场中总total质量的0.2%。 the的其余部分位于CWM分析所界定的层中。



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