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The case for offshore wind farms, artificial reefs and sustainable tourism in the French mediterranean


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As the French government strives to achieve their offshore renewable energy target, the impact of offshore wind farms on coastal tourism in the Languedoc Rousillon is now being questioned. To assess this issue, a choice experiment was undertaken to elicit tourist preferences for wind turbines at different distances from the shore. We also examined whether potential visual nuisances may be compensated by wind farm associated reef-recreation or by adopting a coherent environmental policy. The findings indicate that age, nationality, vacation activities and their destination loyalty influence attitudes towards compensatory policies. Two policy recommendations are suggested. First, everything else being equal, wind farms should be located no closer than 12 km from the shore. Second, and alternatively, a wind farm can be located from 5 km and outwards without a loss in tourism revenues if accompanied by a coherent environmental policy and wind farm associated recreational activities.
机译:随着法国政府努力实现其海上可再生能源的目标,现在人们正在质疑海上风电场对朗格多克·鲁西永(Languedoc Rousillon)沿海旅游业的影响。为了评估这个问题,我们进行了一项选择实验,以吸引游客偏爱距海岸不同距离的风力涡轮机。我们还检查了潜在的视觉干扰是否可以通过与风电场相关的珊瑚礁消遣或采用一致的环境政策得到补偿。研究结果表明,年龄,国籍,度假活动及其目的地忠诚度会影响人们对补偿政策的态度。提出了两项​​政策建议。首先,在其他条件相同的情况下,风电场的位置应距海岸不超过12公里。其次,或者,如果伴随着连贯的环境政策和与风电场相关的娱乐活动,风电场可以位于5公里以内,且不会造成旅游收入的损失。



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