首页> 外文期刊>Tourism management >Events and the Environment, R. Case (Ed.). Routledge, New York, London (2013). with xii Roman pages and 208 Arabic numeral pages - e.g: xii + 208 pp., ISBN: 978-0-415-60595-3 (hbk); 978-0-415-60596-0 (pbk); 978-0-203-08432-8 (ebk)

Events and the Environment, R. Case (Ed.). Routledge, New York, London (2013). with xii Roman pages and 208 Arabic numeral pages - e.g: xii + 208 pp., ISBN: 978-0-415-60595-3 (hbk); 978-0-415-60596-0 (pbk); 978-0-203-08432-8 (ebk)

机译:事件与环境,R。Case(编)。 Routledge,纽约,伦敦(2013)。 xii罗马页和208阿拉伯数字页-例如:xii + 208页,ISBN:978-0-415-60595-3(hbk); 978-0-415-60596-0(PBK); 978-0-203-08432-8(EBK)

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In the last 20 years we have seen major change and academic progress in the relationship between the event industry, academic research into events and the environment. In most cases there has been growing concern or scepticism towards the environment. A major global conclusion is that as a result of the recession many countries are facing, it may well be that "momentum on progress in environmental management that has built up over many years can be dissipated; it may take a long time to recover" (p. 186). In this context, the educational framework can have a decisive role in signalling a complex relationship between events and the environment. Thus, this book intends to "bring together in one volume the discussion of all aspects of the relationship between events and the environment" (p. 2). Many recently published books incorporate sections on sustainable management while others discuss this more theoretically. This book stands out because it not only explores "the multidimensional relationship between events and the environment" but also makes a careful review of the concepts, encouraging reflection on the different challenges.



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