首页> 外文期刊>Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions >Conservative Palingenesis and Cultural Modernism in Early Twentieth-century Romania

Conservative Palingenesis and Cultural Modernism in Early Twentieth-century Romania


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The scholarship on fascism has routinely explored the relationship between anti-Enlightenment critiques of liberal modernity and democracy and the emergence of concepts of cultural, political and biological regeneration before the First World War. This is powerfully illustrated by Roger Griffin's recent book on modernity and fascism. This article applies Griffin's conceptual framework to ideas of conservative palingenesis and cultural modernist critiques of modernity developed in early-twentieth century-Romania by a handful of Romanian authors, in an attempt to understand the intellectual sources of the programme of national regeneration which Romanian fascists positioned at the centre of their revolutionary project during the interwar period
机译:法西斯主义奖学金定期探讨自由现代性和民主的反启蒙批判与第一次世界大战之前文化,政治和生物再生概念的出现之间的关系。罗杰·格里芬(Roger Griffin)的最新著作《现代性与法西斯主义》对此作了有力说明。本文将格里芬的概念框架应用于少数罗马尼亚作家在20世纪初-罗马尼亚提出的保守主义古希腊主义和现代性文化现代主义批评的思想,以期了解罗马尼亚法西斯主义者所定位的民族复兴计划的知识来源。在两次世界大战期间处于其革命计划的中心



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