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Two, More Readily Computable Equivariant Nielsen Numbers I. Nielsen Theory For M-ads

机译:两个更易计算的等价尼尔森数I. M-ads的尼尔森理论

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In this, the first of two papers outlining a Nielsen theory for "two, more readily computable equivariant numbers", we define and study two Nielsen type numbers N(f, k; X -{X_v)+(v∈M) and N(f, k; X, {X_v}_(v∈M), where f and k are M-ad maps. While a Nielsen theory of M-ads is of interest in its own right, our main motivation lies in the fact that maps of M-ads accurately mirror one of two fundamental structures of equivariant maps. Being simpler however, M-ad Nielsen numbers are easier to study and to compute than equivariant Nielsen numbers. In the sequel, we show our M-ad numbers can be used to form both upper and lower bounds on their equivariant counterparts. The numbers N(f, k; X - {X_v}_(v∈M) and N(f, k: X, {X_v}_(v∈M)), generalize the generalizations to coincidences, of Zhao's Nielsen number on the complement N(f; X - A), respectively Schirmer's relative Nielsen number N(f; X, A). Our generalizations are from the category of pairs, to the category of M-ads. The new numbers are lower bounds for the number of coincidence points of all maps f' and k' which are homotopic as maps of M-ads to f, respectively k firstly on the complement of the union of the subspaces X_v in the domain M-ad X, and secondly on all of X. The second number is shown to be greater than or equal to a sum of the first of our numbers. Conditions are given which allow for both equality, and Mobius inversion. Finally we show that the fixed point case of our second number generalizes Schirmer's triad Nielsen number N(f; X_1 ∪X_2). Our work is very different from what at first sight appears to be similar partial results due to P. Wong. The differences, while in some sense subtle in terms of definition, are profound in terms of commutability. In order to work in a variety of both fixed point and coincidence points contexts, we introduce in this first paper and extend in the second, the concept of an essentiality on a topological category. This allows us to give computational theorems within this diversity. Finally we include an introduction to both papers here.
机译:在本文中,概述了尼尔森理论的“两个,更容易计算的等变数”的两篇论文中的第一篇,我们定义并研究了两个尼尔森类型数N(f,k; X-{X_v)+(v∈M)和N (f,k; X,{X_v} _(v∈M),其中f和k为M-ad映射。虽然M-ads的尼尔森理论本身很有趣,但我们的主要动机在于M-ads的图准确地反映了等变图的两个基本结构之一,但是,更简单的是,M-ad Nielsen数比等变Nielsen数更易于研究和计算。 N(f,k; X-{X_v} _(v∈M)and N(f,k:X,{X_v} _(v∈M) )),将补全N(f; X-A)上的赵氏Nielsen数,Schirmer相对尼尔森数N(f; X,A)归纳为巧合。 M-ads的类别。新数字为首先,对域M-ad X中子空间X_v的并集的补码,分别作为与M-ads到f的同位图的所有图f'和k'的重合点数的边界。第二个数字表示大于或等于第一个数字的总和。给出了允许相等和Mobius求逆的条件。最后,我们证明了第二个数的不动点情况推广了Schirmer的三重尼尔森数N(f; X_1∪X_2)。由于P. Wong,我们的工作与乍看起来似乎是类似的部分结果有很大不同。这些差异虽然在定义上在某种意义上是微妙的,但在可交换性方面却是深刻的。为了在各种不动点和重合点上下文中工作,我们在第一篇论文中进行介绍,并在第二篇论文中进行扩展,即拓扑类别的本质概念。这使我们能够给出这种多样性内的计算定理。最后,我们在此处包括对这两篇论文的介绍。



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