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The Fear of Heteronomy


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Addressing recent attempts to articulate the social dimensions of the aesthetic within accounts of contemporary art, this article considers how the type of understanding generated has, contrary to the socially pertinent claims ostensibly being proposed, demonstrated an ongoing distrust and fear of heteronomy. It is argued that far from offering a corrective to asocial notions of autonomy, such perspectives on the debates over 'art and politics' do not even deliver an adequate conception of 'social autonomy', but instead contain, and thereby neutralise, the very heteronomous forces to which they appeal to enliven the discourse of contemporary practice. The essay tracks how this privileging of autonomy can be found in Jacques Rancire's discussions of the avant-garde, and suggests that this approach circumscribes an aporia whose dynamics are one-sidedly weighted and which evacuates content from heteronomy's moments of transitivity.
机译:本文针对当代艺术在当代艺术中阐明美学的社会维度的最新尝试,认为与传统上提出的与社会相关的主张相反,所产生的理解类型如何表现出持续的不信任和对异质性的恐惧。有人认为,对“艺术和政治”辩论的这种观点远未提供对社会自治概念的矫正,甚至没有提供充分的“社会自治”概念,而是包含并因此抵消了非常不统一的事物。他们呼吁使之活跃起来的力量。这篇文章跟踪了如何在雅克·兰切尔(Jacques Rancire)关于前卫的讨论中发现这种自治的特权,并建议这种方法限制了一个动态性受到侧重加权且疏忽了非自治性传递性内容的无视症。



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