首页> 外文期刊>Theoretical Chemistry Accounts >Core-valence correlation consistent basis sets for second-row atoms (Al–Ar) revisited

Core-valence correlation consistent basis sets for second-row atoms (Al–Ar) revisited


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The augmented tight-d cc-pV(n + d)Z (where n = D, T, Q, 5) basis sets are now the recommended “standard” correlation consistent basis set for second-row atoms. These revised sets, however, do not have a suitable corresponding core–valence basis set series to enable an assessment of core–valence corrections. This is particularly important when such effects are assessed and are used as an additive effect, as is done in composite methods. Thus, there is a need for a new “standard” core–valence series of basis sets for second-row atoms that builds systematically upon the cc-pV(n + d)Z sets. In this study, we develop the cc-pCV(n + d)Z basis set series and demonstrate their usefulness through molecular benchmark calculations for a series of second-row systems. These revised core–valence basis sets provide greater consistency in the description of core–valence effects with respect to change in basis set, enabling greater utility of the sets, even for the lower values of n.
机译:现在,增强的tight-d cc-pV(n + d)Z(其中n = D,T,Q,5)基组是第二行原子的推荐“标准”相关一致基组。但是,这些修订集没有合适的相应核心价格基础集系列,无法评估核心价格校正。当评估此类效应并将其用作累加效应时(如在复合方法中所做的那样),这尤其重要。因此,需要一个新的“第二行原子”的“标准”核心价基序集,该基序应系统地建立在cc-pV(n + d)Z集上。在这项研究中,我们开发了cc-pCV(n + d)Z基集系列,并通过分子基准计算针对一系列第二行系统展示了它们的有用性。这些修订的核心价基集在描述基价变化方面的核心价效应方面提供了更大的一致性,即使对于较低的n值,也可以发挥更大的效用。



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