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Language of the universe?


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Talking about high-level mathematics with Le Dung Trang is a bit like trying to improvise with jazzman, John Coltrane. If you've got the language and the skills, you can fly very high. If not, you can feel on the outside of something you only think you understand. "Mathematicians can still communicate from one speciality to another, which is rare in other fields," explains Trang, head of mathematics at the ICTP, "but it's hard to explain anything to an outsider. If I wanted you to see a problem I am working on, I would have to explain it to you for a long time, reduce it to concepts you could grasp. Each step might be very easy, but the whole process needs years of training."
机译:与Le Dung Trang谈论高级数学有点像试图与爵士乐手John Coltrane即兴创作。如果您具有语言和技能,则可以飞得很高。如果没有,您会觉得自己只是以为自己了解而已。 ICTP数学负责人Trang解释说:“数学家仍然可以从一个专业交流到另一个专业,这在其他领域是罕见的,但是很难向局外人解释任何事情。如果我想让您看到一个问题,我就是在进行这项工作时,我将不得不向您解释很长时间,将其简化为您可以理解的概念。每个步骤可能非常容易,但是整个过程需要多年的培训。”



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