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Last but not List


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When certain sites are mentioned, some experts frown; in their eyes, these places do not merit the World Heritage label. True, the List has become inflated over the past 30 years, a victim of its own success. Is it good or bad for the concept of world heritage to expand as nominations multiply? "What we are definitely seeing is a shift away from the original, exemplary list of symbolic sites," says anthropologist Raphael Souchier. Key to the debate is the notion of "exceptional universal value", one of the criteria applied to the candidate sites. In the early days, many of the sites were synonymous with "wonders of the world", and were not subject to controversy. No one would consider questioning the universal appeal of the Pyramids at Giza (Egypt) or of the Galapagos Islands (Ecuador), but more recent additions have raised eyebrows.
机译:当提到某些地点时,有些专家皱眉。在他们眼中,这些地方不值得拥有世界遗产标签。的确,在过去的30年中,这份榜单已经膨胀了,成为其自身成功的受害者。随着提名的增加,扩大世界遗产的概念是好是坏?人类学家拉斐尔·绍奇耶(Raphael Souchier)说:“我们绝对可以看到,它已经摆脱了原始的象征性地点清单。”辩论的关键是“例外普遍价值”的概念,这是适用于候选地点的标准之一。在早期,许多站点都是“世界奇观”的代名词,并且没有争议。没有人会考虑质疑吉萨金字塔(埃及)或加拉帕戈斯群岛(厄瓜多尔)的普遍吸引力,但是最近的增加引起了人们的关注。



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