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A Biosphere Reserve Teams Up With Green Tourism


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Under threat from urban development and demographics, the Sao Paulo City Green 'Belt Biosphere Reserve in Brazil is receiving an increasing number of visitors. A plan to teach sustainable tourism is designed to make the local young people aware of the fragile nature of their environment while also lifting them out of the poverty trap. The road that leads to Paranapiacaba crosses the heart of the Mata Atlantica, the Brazilian Atlantic forest. This little town is dependent on Santo Andre, one of the towns in the suburbs of Sao Paulo that is part of what is known as the "Green Belt". In summer, the road is sprinkled with manacas flowers, whose white and violet colours contrast with the green of the abundant vegetation. It is difficult to believe that such a natural paradise can exist near to a megalopolis of 17.8 million people like Sao Paulo. And that in the space of barely 40 minutes, you can go from a world of concrete and asphalt to this ocean of greenery. But this paradise is under threat from the anarchic urbanization of the surrounding towns. With already 92 percent of its original surface area lost, Mata Atlantica is a victim of the attraction it holds for the people of the Sao Paulo region. Already a popular destination for Sao Paulo residents, the forest is attracting increasing numbers of foreign tourists with disastrous consequences for the environment.
机译:在城市发展和人口统计学的威胁下,巴西圣保罗市绿色带生物圈保护区接待了越来越多的游客。一项旨在教授可持续旅游业的计划旨在使当地年轻人意识到其环境的脆弱性,同时也使他们摆脱贫困。通往Paranapiacaba的道路穿过巴西大西洋森林Mata Atlantica的心脏。这个小镇依赖圣安德烈(Santo Andre),圣保罗郊区的城镇之一,是所谓的“绿化带”的一部分。夏季,道路上撒满了马纳卡斯花,白色和紫色与丰富的植被绿色形成鲜明对比。很难相信这样一个自然天堂可以在圣保罗这样的拥有1780万人口的大都市附近存在。在不到40分钟的时间里,您可以从混凝土和沥青的世界走向绿色的海洋。但是,这个天堂正受到周围城镇无政府主义城市化的威胁。 Mata Atlantica已经失去了其原始表面积的92%,因此成为圣保罗地区人们所喜爱的景点的受害者。森林已经是圣保罗居民的热门目的地,森林吸引了越来越多的外国游客,对环境造成了灾难性的后果。



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