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Projecting The Planet Into The Future


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"Do jeans grow on trees?" The question is ludicrous, but that is the point, to fire the children's imagination and make them think about their clothes: what they are made of, where they come from and where they end up... From there, the children are encouraged to think up stories inspired by the process that produced their sports shoes or their jacket. The idea for this kind of role-playing is included in an educational pack distributed by the German Commission for UNESCO to almost 300 schools that belong to the Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet), ranging from pre-school to secondary establishments. The aim is to raise awareness among young people about sustainable development, starting by taking a look at their daily lives. The approach is original because sustainable development has failed to find a place in most school curricula. Yet since sustainable development first emerged in 1987, the idea has made headway, as demonstrated by the current popularity of fair trade, organic food and ethical investments. Even more significantly, the 2004 Nobel Prize was awarded to the militant Kenyan ecologist Wangari Maathi "for her contribution to sustainable development".
机译:“牛仔裤长在树上吗?”问题很可笑,但这就是要激发孩子们的想象力,让他们思考自己的衣服:他们由什么制成,来自哪里以及最终到哪里......从那里开始,鼓励孩子们想一想灵感来自生产运动鞋或夹克的过程的故事。这种角色扮演的想法包含在德国联合国教科文组织委员会分发给大约300所隶属于联合学校项目网络(ASPnet)的学校的教育包中,范围从学前班到中学。目的是从了解年轻人的日常生活开始,提高年轻人对可持续发展的认识。这种方法是原始的,因为可持续发展未能在大多数学校课程中找到位置。然而,自从1987年首次出现可持续发展以来,这一想法就取得了进展,正如公平贸易,有机食品和道德投资的当前流行所证明的那样。更重要的是,2004年诺贝尔奖授予了激进的肯尼亚生态学家Wangari Maathi,以表彰她对可持续发展的贡献。



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