首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Ethics >Against Moral Character Evaluations: The Undetectability of Virtue and Vice

Against Moral Character Evaluations: The Undetectability of Virtue and Vice


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I defend the epistemic thesis that evaluations of people in terms of their moral character as good, bad, or intermediate are almost always epistemically unjustified. (1) Because most people are fragmented (they would behave deplorably in many and admirably in many other situations), one’s prior probability that any given person is fragmented should be high. (2) Because one’s information about specific people does not reliably distinguish those who are fragmented from those who are not, one’s posterior probability that any given person is fragmented should be close to one’s prior—and thus should also be high. (3) Because being fragmented entails being indeterminate (neither good nor bad nor intermediate), one’s posterior probability that any given person is indeterminate should also be high—and the epistemic thesis follows. (1) and (3) rely on previous work; here I support (2) by using a mathematical result together with empirical evidence from personality psychology.
机译:我捍卫的认识论论点是,就人们的品德,不良或中立品格进行评价几乎总是在认识论上是不合理的。 (1)因为大多数人是分散的(在许多情况下他们的行为会很差,在许多其他情况下会令人钦佩的),所以任何给定的人被分散的先验概率应该很高。 (2)因为有关特定人员的信息无法可靠地区分那些零散的人和那些没有零碎的人,所以任何给定的人零散的后验概率应该接近其先前的概率,因此也应该很高。 (3)因为支离破碎意味着不确定(既不是好事,也不是坏事,也不是中间的),因此任何给定的人不确定的后验概率也应该很高,然后是认识论的命题。 (1)和(3)依靠以前的工作;在这里,我通过将数学结果与人格心理学的经验证据一起使用来支持(2)。



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