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Now The Time Is Right, Says Patrick Lynch In His Final Column, To Reclaim Our Role As Design Leaders

机译:帕特里克·林奇(Patrick Lynch)在他的最后一篇专栏中说,现在是时候了,以重申我们作为设计领导者的角色

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For 48, issues I've told you what I think is right and wrong, good or bad about architecture. A year is a long time, it seems. A great deal has changed in the world, and architecture again appears part of a wider discussion than the narrow focus upon style that has dogged us for the past few decades. I agreed to write this column because the AJ's editor, Kieran Long, knew the importance of good architectural writing. I was flattered he thought I might be able to deliver it. Behind Kieran's brief, for me, was the idea that the general architect is neither a cynic nor a fool, despite what some publications seem to assume. We're all prone to cynicism and foolishness some of the time, of course, but that isn't what you find at the heart of good architecture. In the past year or so, David Chipperfield finally won the Stirling Prize 2007 and Alvaro Siza the RIBA Gold Medal 2008, making up for years of neglect that reflected badly upon British architecture and offering hope to those of us for whom Modernism has moved on. Models are ways of imagining architecture, but the reality of architecture lies in buildings. Good architecture teaches us to feel and understand it fundamentally as built.
机译:对于48,我已经告诉您我认为对与错,关于架构的好坏的问题。看来一年是很长的时间。世界已经发生了很大的变化,与过去几十年来一直困扰我们的狭style的风格相比,建筑再次成为更广泛讨论的一部分。我之所以同意写此专栏,是因为AJ的编辑Kieran Long知道出色的建筑写作的重要性。我很受宠若惊,他以为我有能力做到这一点。对于我来说,基兰(Kieran)简介的背后是这样一个想法,即总建筑师既不是一个愤世嫉俗的人也不是一个傻瓜,尽管有些出版物似乎在假设。当然,有时候我们所有人都容易产生玩世不恭和愚蠢的想法,但这并不是好的建筑的核心。在过去的一年左右的时间里,大卫·奇珀菲尔德(David Chipperfield)最终获得了2007年斯特灵奖,而阿尔瓦罗·西扎(Alvaro Siza)则获得了2008年RIBA金奖,这弥补了多年来对英国建筑的严重忽视,并为我们向现代主义前进的人们提供了希望。模型是构想建筑的方式,但是建筑的真实性在于建筑物。好的建筑教会我们从根本上感觉和理解它。



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