首页> 外文期刊>The architects' journal >James Stirling's Light Touch Is Exemplified In A Triptych Of University Buildings, Says Patrick Lynch

James Stirling's Light Touch Is Exemplified In A Triptych Of University Buildings, Says Patrick Lynch

机译:帕特里克·林奇(Patrick Lynch)说,在大学建筑的三联画中,詹姆斯·斯特林的轻触感得到了体现

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James Stirling was always a Modern architect, but Modern in the same sense as Palladio. Agile, pragmatic, ambitious, eclectic; in possession of knowledge of types, yet not enslaved by them; confident with tradition but even more so in their own talent. It is worth noting that the Modernity of these architects is their humanism. Central to humanism is respect for tradition and the belief in one's ability to transform it to answer the needs of one's age. In his review of Le Corbusier's Ronchamp Chapel for the Architectural Review in March 1956, Stirling wasn't scared of expressing his scepticism. His tactic of compositional inversion of Modernist cliches is clear at the Leicester Engineering Building (1959), where the Modernist view of glass -as simply not being there - is reversed. The triangulated glass roofs appear as a line of prisms. On a misty morning the auditorium floats above the treetops, and the Georgian wired glass in the prisms condenses into smoky ice. At night it appears as slick as solid oil, or as petrified as a frozen pond of black ice. The crystal metaphors of early Modernism are finally made real, not as a dream of openness and disembodiment, but as forms of light coagulated in matter.
机译:詹姆斯·斯特林(James Stirling)一直是现代建筑师,但现代主义与Palladio具有相同的含义。敏捷,务实,雄心勃勃,折衷主义;拥有类型知识,但未被它们奴役;对传统充满信心,但对自己的才华更是如此。值得注意的是,这些建筑师的现代性就是他们的人文主义。人文主义的核心是对传统的尊重,以及对自己改造自己的能力的信念,以满足人们的年龄需求。在1956年3月对勒·柯布西耶(Le Corbusier)的Ronchamp教堂进行建筑评论的评论中,斯特林并不害怕表达他的怀疑态度。他在现代主义陈腔滥调中进行成分反转的策略在莱斯特工程大楼(1959)上很明显,在这里,现代主义玻璃的观点(根本就不存在)被颠倒了。三角玻璃屋顶显示为棱柱线。在一个有雾的早晨,礼堂漂浮在树梢上方,三棱柱上的格鲁吉亚夹丝玻璃凝结成烟熏冰。到了晚上,它看起来像固体油一样光滑,或者像黑冰的冷冻池塘一样石化。最终,使现代主义的水晶隐喻成为现实,而不是梦想成为开放和具体化的梦想,而是作为物质中凝聚的光的形式。



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