首页> 外文期刊>Textile >The Aesthetic Function of Cloth in Drawings by Sharon Kelly

The Aesthetic Function of Cloth in Drawings by Sharon Kelly

机译:Sharon Kelly在绘画中布的美学功能

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Sharon Kelly focused her art practice on charcoal drawings, later adding several video pieces. Her use of cloth ranges from providing a ground for an image to becoming an image, to a trope of a particular state of mind. Pertinent to my inquiry are Wittgenstein's thoughts on use as the hinge for creativity, the use connects us to a complicated network of similarities, overlapping and crisscrossing (Wittgenstein 1953: 66). My proposition is that cloth and garments enter into a variety of relationships with and within the drawings. An active and visually sophisticated response of an artistrnto textiles brings forth the capacity of a cloth or a garment to convey any or several of the following: identity, expression, gender, age, mood, intent, attractiveness, social status, and even honesty. Applied outside the range of its normal use, the textile does no actual work at all, yet it is not an idle wheel or ornament. The cloth or a garment in Sharon Kelly's art is not subordinated to the art: there is no hierarchy. Rather, the aesthetic function isolates the object from the everyday use and fastens our attention powerfully to it. The fabric transforms itself into a gatekeeper of feeling.
机译:莎朗·凯利(Sharon Kelly)将她的艺术创作重点放在木炭素描上,后来又添加了一些录像带。她对布料的使用范围从提供图像的基础到成为图像,再到具有特定心理状态的单字。与我的询问有关的是维特根斯坦关于用作创造力铰链的思想,这种使用将我们连接到一个复杂的相似,重叠和交叉的网络上(维特根斯坦,1953:66)。我的主张是,衣服和衣服在图纸中和图纸之间建立各种关系。艺术家对纺织品的积极,视觉上的复杂反应,使布料或服装具有传达以下任何一项或多项能力:身份,表情,性别,年龄,情绪,意图,吸引力,社会地位,甚至诚实。在超出其正常使用范围的情况下使用,该纺织品完全不做任何实际工作,但它不是空转轮或装饰品。莎朗·凯利(Sharon Kelly)的艺术中的布料或服装不属于艺术:没有层次。而是,美学功能将物体与日常使用隔离开来,并有力地吸引了我们对其的注意。面料将自己转变为感觉的守门人。



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