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Leadership with 5G in Europe: Two contrasting images of the future, with policy and regulatory implications


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European policy makers have shown a keen interest in the success of 5G because ubiquitous and high capacity electronic communication infrastructure is recognized as a cornerstone of economic development and productivity growth. The second generation, GSM, is considered the leading example, reaching its peak of deployment in 2015 with 3.83 billion subscribers served by over 700 operators in 219 countries and territories.With 5G rapidly shaping up in the R&D and standardization environments, and a call for leadership with 5G in Europe by policy makers, it is timely to investigate what lessons can be learned from the success of 2G that can be applied to 5G. More broadly, this calls for research into the commonalities and differences between successive generations of mobile technology, their introduction and the market adoption that followed. This also calls for an investigation into the possibility of multiple futures of 5G and how that impacts the opportunity for leadership. As one future may be more desirable than the other, depending on the perspective of the actor involved, a policy debate will be required to determine the most desirable future. As well as a discussion of the policy and regulatory actions required to enable a particular future.Hence, the two-part research question being addressed in this paper is:What explains the success of 2G-GSM and how can it be applied to create success with 5G in the European Union?To respond to the research question this paper first identifies the leadership lessons to be drawn from the success of 2G-GSM in relation to its successors 3G and 4G. Secondly, the contribution describes two stylized images of possible futures of 5G, called “Evolution” and “Revolution”, as input to the policy debate on the options for leadership with 5G. These images reflect two extremes in terms of possible futures of 5G. “Evolution” follows the pattern of previous generations and current trends. “Revolution” represents a clear break with these trends and a path towards leadership with 5G, as it exploits the opportunities of standardized APIs for service creation, being enabled by network virtualization as an architectural foundation of 5G. These open and uniformly applied APIs allow the market entry of a multitude of virtual mobile network operators (VMNOs) serving particular industry verticals or economic sectors with tailored feature sets and qualities of services. They allow a market momentum to be built that constitutes leadership with 5G in Europe.
机译:欧洲决策者对5G的成功表现出了浓厚的兴趣,因为无处不在的高容量电子通信基础设施被认为是经济发展和生产力增长的基石。第二代GSM被认为是最典型的例子,它在2015年达到了部署的顶峰,有219个国家和地区的700多家运营商为38.3亿用户提供服务.5G在研发和标准化环境中迅速成形,并呼吁在政策制定者领导欧洲5G的过程中,现在应该研究从2G成功应用于5G中可以汲取的教训。更广泛地讲,这需要研究连续几代移动技术之间的共性和差异,它们的引入以及随后的市场采用。这也要求对5G的多种未来的可能性及其对领导机会的影响进行调查。由于一个未来可能比另一个未来更可取,因此取决于所涉参与者的观点,将需要进行政策辩论以确定最可取的未来。除了讨论实现特定未来所需的政策和监管措施之外,本文还讨论了由两部分组成的研究问题:什么解释了2G-GSM的成功以及如何将其用于创造成功为了回应研究问题,本文首先确定了从2G-GSM相对于其后续产品3G和4G的成功中汲取的领导力教训。其次,该文稿描述了有关5G可能的未来的两个风格化图像,分别称为“演进”和“革命”,作为有关5G领导权选择的政策辩论的输入。这些图像反映了5G未来可能出现的两个极端情况。 “进化”遵循前几代人的模式和当前趋势。 “革命”代表着与这些趋势的明显突破,以及5G的领导地位,因为它利用标准化API的机会来创建服务,并通过网络虚拟化作为5G的架构基础来实现。这些开放且统一应用的API允许大量虚拟移动网络运营商(VMNO)进入市场,这些虚拟移动网络运营商通过定制的功能集和服务质量为特定的垂直行业或经济部门提供服务。它们使市场势头得以建立,从而成为欧洲5G的领导者。



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