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SHOT, the History of Technology, and Engineering Education


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According to the accepted "creation story," the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) took form after Melvin Kranzberg, John B. Rae, and Carl Condit met in Ithaca, New York, in June 1957 with Henry Guerlac, president of the History of Science Society (HSS). The trio hoped to persuade Guerlac that HSS and its journal his should pay more attention to the work of historians of technology. They were disappointed, however, for, according to Kranzberg, the history of science was focused on "'intellectual giants.' What was important were thinkers. Technologists, so-called tinkerers, were simply not worth considering. Guerlac said as much to me." Kranzberg labeled the meeting a disaster for "the small group that traipsed to Guerlac's house in Ithaca with such great hope and which saw us going down the hill from his house thoroughly cowed and almost, but not quite, completely discouraged. [Yet] looking back on that episode years later, we can realize that the refusal of HSS (personified by Guerlac) to include the history of technology in its purview was probably the best thing that could have happened to us." According to Kranzberg, Guerlac's decision precipitated the formation of SHOT in 1958: Kranzberg remembers saying to Condit, "By God, we're just going to have to start our own society and our own journal."
机译:根据公认的“创造故事”,技术历史学会(SHOT)于1957年6月由Melvin Kranzberg,John B. Rae和Carl Condit在纽约伊萨卡会见了亨利·古拉克(Henry Guerlac)主席后成立。科学史学会(HSS)。三人希望说服Guerlac,HSS及其期刊应该更加关注技术史学家的工作。但是,他们感到失望,因为,据克兰兹伯格(Kranzberg)称,科学史的重点是“智力巨人”。重要的是思想家。所谓的修补匠,根本就不值得考虑。Guerlac对我说了很多。”克兰兹伯格称这次会议是一场灾难,“这群人怀着极大的希望跳入了伊萨卡州古拉克的家,看到我们从他的家走下山,完全畏缩了,几乎,但还不是完全沮丧,[回头]几年后的那一集,我们可以意识到,拒绝HSS(由Guerlac代表)将技术历史纳入其职权范围可能是我们可能发生的最好的事情。”根据Kranzberg的说法,Guerlac的决定促成了1958年SHOT的成立:Kranzberg记得对Condit说:“天哪,我们将不得不开始我们自己的社会和我们自己的日记”。



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