首页> 外文期刊>Technical communication quarterly >Technical Communication and Physical Location: Topoi and Architecture in Computer Classrooms

Technical Communication and Physical Location: Topoi and Architecture in Computer Classrooms


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This essay presents analyses of two of the ten site visits of computer classrooms (CCRs) conducted between 1998 and 2003. The two sites are located institutionally within departments of English of two U.S. university campuses. The two CCRs examined here were: (1) observed on site by the author in 2000 and 2001; (2) analyzed according to a set of criteria established before the on-site analyses; and (3) photographed. In addition, a digital writing-rhetoric and/or technical writing faculty member was interviewed in person during each site visit. The analysis, part of a book-length project, provides partial data for determining some kinds of physical and architectural/design issues that existed in selected CCRs in the early 2000s and in a number of similar digital environments today.
机译:本文对1998年至2003年进行的十次计算机教室(CCR)实地考察中的两个进行了分析。这两个场所在机构上位于美国两个大学校园的英语系内。这里检查的两个CCR是:(1)作者在2000年和2001年现场观察; (2)根据现场分析之前建立的一套标准进行分析; (3)拍照。此外,每次现场访问期间都要亲自采访一位数字修辞和/或技术写作教师。该分析是一本书的一部分,它提供了部分数据,用于确定2000年代初选定的CCR和当今许多类似的数字环境中存在的某些物理和建筑/设计问题。



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