首页> 外文期刊>Technical communication quarterly >Using Charettes to Perform Civic Engagement in Technical Communication Classrooms and Workplaces

Using Charettes to Perform Civic Engagement in Technical Communication Classrooms and Workplaces


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Charettes offer a productive way of combining theory and practice to address some of the difficult matters of getting students to see and perform technical communication as students, professionals, servers, and citizens. This collaborative activity helps students prepare for an increasingly modular professional world by revealing the contingent rhetoricity of professional autonomy. Charettes can help technical writing programs and students integrate service and civic learning into the curriculum by using indigenous professional genres that actively demand stakeholder participation. The intensity and pragmatic force of charettes can assist students in building their ethos while working with fellow stakeholders. The wide range of possible documents involved in the process associated with charettes can help technical communication students and teachers explore the connections between rhetorical exigencies and genre and put their skills to good use in a culture where many are looking for new ways to build critical citizenship.
机译:Charettes提供了一种将理论与实践相结合的有效方式,以解决使学生作为学生,专业人员,服务员和公民进行观看和进行技术交流的一些难题。这项合作活动通过揭示专业自主权的偶然性来帮助学生为日益模块化的专业世界做准备。 Charettes可以帮助技术写作计划,并且学生可以使用积极要求利益相关者参与的本地专业类型将服务和公民学习融入课程。图表的强度和实用性可以帮助学生在与其他利益相关者一起工作时树立自己的精神。与图表相关的过程中涉及的各种可能的文档可以帮助技术交流的学生和教师探索修辞迫切性和体裁之间的联系,并在一种正在寻求新的方法来建立重要公民身份的文化中充分利用其技能。



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