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Grassroots: Supporting The Knowledge Work Of Everyday Life


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This article introduces a simple mapping tool called Grassroots, a software product from a longitudinal study examining the use of information communication technologies and knowledge work in communities. Grassroots is an asset-based mapping tool made possible by the Web 2.0 movement, a movement which allows for the creation of more adaptable interfaces by making data and underlying database structures more openly available via syndication and open source software. This article forwards three arguments. First is an argument about the nature of the knowledge work of everyday life, or an argument about the complex technological and rhetorical tasks necessary to solve commonplace problems through writing. Second is an argument about specific technologies and genres of community-based knowledge work, about why making maps is such an essential genre, and about why making asset maps is potentially transformative. Third is an argument about the making of Grassroots itself; a statement about how we should best express, test, and verify our theories about writing and knowledge work.
机译:本文介绍了一个名为Grassroots的简单映射工具,这是一项纵向研究的软件产品,研究了社区中信息通信技术的使用和知识工作。 Grassroots是通过Web 2.0运动实现的基于资产的映射工具,该运动允许通过联合组织和开源软件使数据和底层数据库结构更开放地可用,从而创建更具适应性的界面。本文提出了三个论点。首先是关于日常生活知识工作性质的争论,或者是关于通过写作解决普通问题的复杂技术和修辞任务的争论。其次是关于基于社区的知识工作的特定技术和体裁,为何制作地图如此必不可少的论点以及为何制作资产地图可能具有变革性的争论。第三是关于草根本身的形成的争论。关于如何最好地表达,测试和验证我们有关写作和知识工作的理论的陈述。



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