首页> 外文期刊>Technical communication quarterly >Communication Of Complex Information: User Goals And Information Needs For Dynamic Web Information

Communication Of Complex Information: User Goals And Information Needs For Dynamic Web Information


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As someone who researches the communication of detailed scientific information via Web-based multimedia and who regularly teaches courses in related areas, I eagerly anticipated reading Michael Albers's book. From the beginning, Albers promises that Communication of Complex Information: User Goals and Information Needs for Dynamic Web Information will help technical communicators to "better understand the user's goals and information needs" in order to develop quality content (p. ⅹⅲ). The "concern is not with how to retrieve information from the database," he writes, "but how to ensure that proper information exists to be retrieved" (p. ⅹⅱ). I agree with his early statement that many texts on information design seem to start with the design of the interface and the assumption that the content already exists, somewhere, to be plugged into the appropriate spot and that far too few texts take up the daunting task of content development. Despite my initial enthusiasm and the promise of Albers's early claims, the text does not live up to these expectations because it largely fails to develop clear, concrete, and usable frameworks for the development practices he advocates.
机译:作为研究通过基于Web的多媒体的详细科学信息的交流并定期教授相关领域课程的人,我热切期望阅读Michael Albers的书。从一开始,阿尔伯斯就承诺,复杂信息的交流:动态Web信息的用户目标和信息需求将帮助技术交流者“更好地理解用户的目标和信息需求”,从而开发高质量的内容(第。页)。他写道:“关注的不是如何从数据库中检索信息,而是如何确保存在正确的信息以进行检索”(第ⅹⅱ页)。我同意他的早期声明,即关于信息设计的许多文本似乎始于界面的设计,并且假定内容已经存在,并且要插入适当的位置,并且很少有文本承担艰巨的任务。内容开发。尽管我最初的热情和对Albers早期主张的承诺,但该文本并没有达到这些期望,因为它在很大程度上未能为他所倡导的发展实践建立清晰,具体和可用的框架。



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