首页> 外文期刊>Technical communication quarterly >Metadata And Memory: Lessons From the Canon Of Memoria For The Design of Content Management Systems

Metadata And Memory: Lessons From the Canon Of Memoria For The Design of Content Management Systems


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To date, most of the research on usability and content management systems has focused on the end-user products of such systems rather than on the usability for technical communicators of the single-source authoring tools offered within these systems. While this latter research is undeniably important, attention needs to be paid to the plight of technical communicators attempting to use single-sourcing tools. Otherwise, technical communicators in workplaces risk becoming semi-skilled contingent labor rather than empowered knowledge workers. This essay, therefore, attempts to open a debate about the design of content management systems by turning to the rhetorical canon of memory as an appropriate source for insights into how stored information can be flexibly retrieved and used during composing activities.



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