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The normative foundations of research-based education: Philosophical notes on the transformation of the modern university idea


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The current reorganisation of universities is part of a European policy aimed at strengthening Europe’s position with regard to the emerging global knowledge economy. The transformations in view of this overall goal are hardly accompanied by a critical discussion about the function or role of universities within and for society. The common assumption that universities offer a specific ‘general education’ by linking teaching to research, goes back to the modern university idea as conceived by Wilhelm von Humboldt. This article intends to show that philosophical attempts to restore the modern university model as a normative standard for criticising actual developments at European universities, have become problematic for contextual reasons that beg the basic assumptions of this model. Instead of answering the question of the ‘public role of universities’, the article rather attempts to clarify the problems with which this question is connected, from a political–philosophical perspective. It is argued that the difficulties in which the contemporary discourse about universities constantly becomes entangled, reflect more fundamental impasses and even contradictions that the modern democratic project is experiencing today.
机译:当前大学的重组是旨在加强欧洲在新兴全球知识经济方面的欧洲地位的欧洲政策的一部分。鉴于这一总体目标而进行的变革几乎没有伴随着关于大学在社会内部以及对社会的作用或角色的批判性讨论。大学通过将教学与研究相结合来提供特定的“通识教育”的普遍假设可以追溯到威廉·冯·洪堡(Wilhelm von Humboldt)构想的现代大学理念。本文旨在表明,出于种种情境要求(以这种模式的基本假设为前提),试图恢复现代大学模式作为批评欧洲大学实际发展的规范标准的哲学尝试已成为问题。该文章没有回答“大学的公共角色”问题,而是试图从政治哲学角度澄清与该问题相关的问题。有人认为,当代关于大学的讨论不断陷入困境,这反映出现代民主计划正在经历的更为根本的僵局甚至矛盾。



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