首页> 外文期刊>Studies in conservation >Disfiguring organic residues on industrially produced sheet metal coupons simulating copper and brass works of art by Donald Judd: Attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis and treatment recommendations

Disfiguring organic residues on industrially produced sheet metal coupons simulating copper and brass works of art by Donald Judd: Attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis and treatment recommendations

机译:由唐纳德·贾德(Donald Judd)对模拟铜和黄铜艺术品的工业生产钣金试样上的有机残留物进行消灭:衰减全反射傅里叶变换红外光谱分析和处理建议

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The Minimalist work of Donald Judd exemplifies modern and contemporary works of art that utilize the appearance of bare metal as an integral component of the artist's intent. Decades after fabrication, disfiguring patterns have appeared on the surfaces of many such works. These patterns are not related to the formation of tarnish or other corrosion effects caused by improper storage, display, or transportation and handling; rather, they are associated with the initial processing of the metal sheets and subsequent fabrication of the art objects. Due to the challenges of obtaining analytical data directly from works of art, the authors present results from industrial sheet metal coupons prepared to simulate materials and techniques used in Donald Judd's copper and brass artworks. Attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy carried out on each side of 55 coupons indicated the presence of organic materials such as long-chain aliphatic hydrocarbons, esters, and ethers, consistent with the types of compounds used in industrial lubricants. In addition to conducting the first systematic instrumental analysis of these residues, the authors propose the use of specific solvents for their removal as an alternative to abrasive methods, which cause removal of original surface from the objects.
机译:唐纳德·贾德(Donald Judd)的极简主义作品彰显了现代和当代艺术品,这些艺术品利用裸金属的外观作为艺术家意图的组成部分。在制造数十年后,许多此类作品的表面都出现了毁容性图案。这些图案与不适当的存放,展示或运输和处理所引起的锈蚀或其他腐蚀效果无关;相反,它们与金属板的初始加工以及随后的艺术品的制造有关。由于直接从艺术品中获取分析数据的挑战,作者提出了工业钣金样板的结果,这些样板准备用来模拟唐纳德·贾德的铜和黄铜艺术品中使用的材料和技术。在55张试样的每一面进行的衰减全反射傅立叶变换红外光谱表明,存在有机材料,例如长链脂族烃,酯和醚,与工业润滑剂中使用的化合物类型一致。除了对这些残留物进行第一个系统的仪器分析外,作者还建议使用特定的溶剂去除残留物,以替代研磨方法,后者会导致从物体上清除原始表面。



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