首页> 外文期刊>Studies in conservation >Causes and extent of variation in collection condition survey data

Causes and extent of variation in collection condition survey data


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An experiment to investigate and quantify reliability in collection condition surveys was carried out with 33 professional conservators assessing 20 objects of various materials. Data were analysed using several reliability indices, particularly Krippendorff's alpha. The quantified reliability level (0.372 alpha) was halfway between levels considered acceptable in other fields and chance agreement. Responses demonstrated, in addition to individual differences, the main reasons for low reliability; ambiguity in survey form definitions, the broadness of the term 'condition', high levels of deterioration, and the professional roles of surveyors. Some existing explanations for disagreement, particularly institutional differences, were not found to have a significant effect on reliability, and object complexity and experience in conservation were found to have only a limited effect. Three factors - surveyors, objects, and survey forms - and the relationships between them, are reviewed in order to determine evidence-based recommendations for increasing reliability.
机译:在33名专业保管人的陪同下,进行了一项调查和量化收集条件调查的可靠性的实验,评估了20种不同材料的物品。使用几个可靠性指标,尤其是克里彭多夫的α,对数据进行了分析。量化的可靠性水平(0.372 alpha)在其他领域认为可接受的水平和机会一致性之间的一半。回答表明,除了个人差异外,可靠性低的主要原因还包括:调查表定义中的模棱两可,“条件”一词的广泛性,高度恶化以及​​调查员的专业作用。现有的一些关于分歧的解释,特别是制度上的差异,并未发现对可靠性有重大影响,而发现对象的复杂性和保护经验仅具有有限的影响。审查了三个因素-测量员,对象和调查表-以及它们之间的关系,以便确定基于证据的建议以提高可靠性。



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