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Investigation of acetic acid bacteria isolated from the Kitora tumulus in Japan and their involvement in the deterioration of the plaster of the mural paintings


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The Kitora tumulus, which is thought to have been built around the late seventh to early eighth century, has beautiful mural paintings which were executed directly on a very thin layer of plaster in the stone chamber. When the paintings were found, the plaster was partly detached from the stone wall and the murals were therefore considered to be likely to fall off the wall with a casual touch or stimulation. Therefore, it was decided to detach the mural paintings and to store them flat and under controlled environmental conditions. This was initiated immediately after the excavation of the tumulus in 2004. However, fungal growth and biofilm development were observed within the stone chamber during the relocation work. In 2005, small holes containing black substances were observed on certain areas of the ceiling plaster, and following investigation an acetic acid bacterium, Gluconacetobacter sp., was isolated from the black substances. The bacterium was also isolated from the ceiling, floor, and east wall in the stone chamber in 2008 after the relocation of most of the paintings had been completed. These bacteria were shown to decompose calcium carbonate (CaCO_3), one of the primary components of the plaster, and to produce organic acids such as acetic acid. Additionally, they were observed to decrease the pH of the culture media significantly in the presence of ethanol and glucose. This is the first example of the characterization of acetic acid bacteria isolated from decayed plaster paintings, and it is likely that microbes such as these bacteria have been involved in the deterioration of the plaster. Chemicals to treat microbes in the Kitora tumulus during the relocation work were selected on the basis of their antimicrobial efficacy, low potential to cause adverse effects on the paintings, and low level of toxicity to humans, depending on the condition of the plaster or stone in each area. However, some chemicals, especially ethanol, may act as a carbon source, which could encourage the growth of microbes and thereby the production of acids by the microbes when diluted to a low concentration or in a degraded state. Moreover, prior contamination by other microbial species in the form of a biofilm could also encourage the growth of the acetic acid bacteria by providing low-molecular-weight organic materials as a nutrient source.
机译:Kitora tumulus被认为是在七世纪末至八世纪初建造的,上面有精美的壁画,直接在石室的一薄层灰泥上执行。当发现这些画时,灰泥从石墙上部分脱落,因此认为壁画可能会因偶然的触摸或刺激而从墙上掉下来。因此,决定将壁画分离出来,并在受控的环境条件下将其平放存储。这是在2004年挖掘古墓后立即开始的。但是,在搬迁工作期间,在石室中观察到了真菌的生长和生物膜的发育。 2005年,在天花板灰泥的某些区域观察到了含有黑色物质的小孔,经过调查后,从黑色物质中分离出了乙酸细菌Gluconacetobacter sp.。在大多数画作搬迁完成后,还于2008年从石室的天花板,地板和东壁分离出了这种细菌。这些细菌被证明分解了石膏的主要成分之一碳酸钙(CaCO_3),并产生了有机酸,例如乙酸。另外,观察到它们在乙醇和葡萄糖存在下显着降低培养基的pH。这是从腐烂的石膏画中分离出的乙酸细菌表征的第一个例子,很可能诸如此类细菌的微生物与石膏的劣化有关。根据其药膏的抗菌功效,对画作造成不良影响的可能性低以及对人体的毒性低等因素,选择了在搬迁工作期间用于治疗Kitora tumulus中微生物的化学药品,具体取决于所用石膏或石材的状况。每个区域。但是,某些化学物质(尤其是乙醇)可能会充当碳源,当稀释至低浓度或处于降解状态时,这些化学物质可能会促进微生物的生长,从而促进微生物产生酸。此外,通过提供低分子量有机材料作为营养源,先前被生物膜形式的其他微生物污染也可以促进乙酸细菌的生长。



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