首页> 外文期刊>Studies in conservation >Materials and techniques: Early Buddhist wall paintings and sculptures at Sumda Chun, Ladakh

Materials and techniques: Early Buddhist wall paintings and sculptures at Sumda Chun, Ladakh

机译:材料和技术:拉达克Sumda Chun的早期佛教壁画和雕塑

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An assemblage of Buddhist wall paintings and sculptures dating to the twelfth/early thirteenth century are found distributed over the interiors of the temple complex at Sumda Chun, Ladakh. Detailed investigations carried out as part of a conservation project shed light on their antiquity and production technology. The sculptures are constructed with fine mud mortar applied over a wooden armature and affixed to the walls without any support from the ground. In both the sculptures and wall paintings, the paint layer is applied over a thin gypsum ground that functions as a white colourant where unpainted. For the paint layer, azurite, vermilion, and orpiment are the dominant mineral pigments utilized. Minium (red lead) has been used for preparatory drawings and as paint. Highlighting of special areas was achieved using a laminate of tin-lead alloy and gold on relief. Overall the material and techniques employed in the execution of the wall paintings and sculptures are consistent with those reported for other early sites in the region.
机译:在拉达克Sumda Chun的寺庙建筑群的内部分布着十二至十三世纪初的佛教壁画和雕塑。作为保护项目的一部分,进行了详细的调查,以了解其古代和生产技术。这些雕塑是用细泥浆在木制电枢上涂抹而成的,并固定在墙上,没有地面的任何支撑。在雕塑和壁画中,涂料层都涂在薄石膏地面上,该涂料在未喷涂的地方起着白色着色剂的作用。对于涂料层,蓝铜矿,朱红和雌黄是使用的主要矿物颜料。最小值(红铅)已用于制备图纸和油漆。使用锡铅合金和浮雕金的层压板可以突出显示特殊区域。总体而言,执行壁画和雕塑所用的材料和技术与该地区其他早期遗址的报道一致。



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