首页> 外文期刊>Studies in Comparative International Development >Party Selection of Officials in Contemporary China

Party Selection of Officials in Contemporary China


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This study considers how, in the absence of elections for national office, authoritarian ruling parties create organizational channels for selecting officials. Through a case study of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), I examine the selection problem facing the ruling party. Within the CCP, special training academies, also known as party schools, serve as a pipeline to higher party and government posts. An examination of selection patterns for these schools reveals that there exists a mix of political and professional factors which determine invitation to a party school training program, suggesting the coexistence of patronage and meritocratic processes in promotion for higher office. Empirical analysis of these selection processes takes three parts. Individual-level characteristics, such as party membership, frequency of interaction with superiors, and educational background, are significant predictors of selection for a party school program. Second, to control for selection bias, I employ a matching procedure and find that the “treatment” of enrollment in a party school training program significantly increases the likelihood that an individual will be promoted to a higher rank in comparison to those without party school training experience. Third, additional tests indicate that these schools serve a screening function for the party, thus providing an organizational means for CCP leaders to manage who enters the highest ranks of political leadership. In this sense, the training process itself serves an informational function for party authorities, beyond the ritual these organizations are long thought to embody.



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