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Jack of all trades and master of knowledge: The role of diversification in new distant knowledge integration


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Research Summary We consider the role of individual-level diversification as a mechanism through which skilled researchers engage in successful exploration-recognizing and integrating new knowledge external to one's domains of expertise. To approach an ideal experiment, we (a) employ a matching procedure and (b) exploit the unexpected adoption of Microsoft Kinect as a motion-sensing technology in research. We evaluate the impact of Kinect and its embodiment of new knowledge on a set of ability-matched, diversity-varying researchers without prior experience in motion-sensing and find that diversified researchers explore more successfully than their more specialized peers. We also examine the role of personal preferences and professional incentives as antecedents of diversification and find that culture, age and intellectual freedom are positively associated with the propensity to diversify successfully. Managerial Summary Organizations where R&D is core to driving competitive advantage face important tradeoffs when hiring researchers. Specifically, diverse combinations of knowledge generate the most impactful discoveries. Yet, coordinating such combinations increasingly requires larger teams as knowledge accumulation causes researchers to specialize in narrower areas. How should organizations achieve the best balance? We argue and show evidence that diversified researchers, individuals routinely criticized for their lack of knowledge depth, are more likely than specialized researchers of similar ability to integrate new knowledge from beyond their domains of expertise to create impactful innovations. Therefore, organizations aiming to create competitive advantage by pushing the boundaries of knowledge should carefully consider the nuanced tradeoffs between specialized and diversified researchers when strategizing about hiring the optimal types of expertise.
机译:研究摘要我们认为个人层面的多元化是一种机制,熟练的研究人员可以通过这种机制成功地进行探索,认识和整合个人专业领域之外的新知识。为了进行理想的实验,我们(a)采用匹配程序,并且(b)利用Microsoft Kinect作为研究中的运动传感技术的意外应用。我们评估了Kinect及其新知识的体现对一组没有运动感应经验的能力匹配,变化多样的研究人员的影响,并发现与其他更专业的同行相比,多元化的研究人员更成功地进行了探索。我们还研究了个人偏好和职业激励作为多元化先行者的作用,并发现文化,年龄和知识自由与成功多元化的倾向成正比。管理摘要研发是驱动竞争优势的核心组织,在雇用研究人员时会面临重要的权衡。具体来说,知识的各种组合会产生最有影响力的发现。但是,由于知识积累使研究人员只能在狭窄的领域进行研究,因此协调此类组合的工作越来越需要更大的团队。组织应如何实现最佳平衡?我们争辩并显示证据表明,多样化的研究人员(通常因缺乏知识深度而经常受到批评)比具有类似能力的专门研究人员更有可能整合其专业知识领域以外的新知识以创建有影响力的创新。因此,旨在通过扩大知识界限来创造竞争优势的组织在制定聘用最佳专业知识的策略时,应仔细考虑专业和多元化研究人员之间细微的权衡。



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